Bob Maier was born in Toledo, Ohio. He graduated from the University of Toledo with a BS, Double Major in Mathematics and Philosophy and is currently employed as a Technical Support Analyst.
His humor has appeared in Word Ways, Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine, and The Funny Times. One of his pieces was included in The Best of The Best American Humor.
Bob is married and has a daughter. He lives, works, golfs and bowls in Michigan.
Contact him at: BobMaier@COM-Publishing.COM
Bob Maier: Semi-Professional Humorist
Other Good Beer Books:

Fermenting Revolution: How to Drink Beer and Save the World  by Chris O'brien

If you want to learn more about beer than you can read on the back of a can or the label on a bottle, this is the book for you. Read it and you'll learn about the story of beer from pre-history, to the beginning of agriculture, to its early influence on religion.
You'll also learn about beer brewing’s devolution from a female controlled cottage industry to a corporate mega-business, and how it's changing for the better via the micro-brewery/craft brewing revolution. You'll find out how drinking good beer in moderation is good for you, and how drinking beer -- especially locally produced beer -- is good for the environment.
Fermenting Revolution is a fascinating, well written, detailed look at beer, where it came from, and where it's headed.

The author's web site is here: