Bob Maier was born in Toledo, Ohio. He graduated from the University of Toledo with a BS, Double Major in Mathematics and Philosophy and is currently employed as a Technical Support Analyst.
Bob is married and has a daughter. He lives, works, golfs and bowls in Michigan.
Bob Maier: Semi-Professional Humorist
Other Good Beer Books:
Fermenting Revolution: How to Drink Beer and Save the World by Chris O'brien
If you want to learn more about beer than you can read on the back of a can or the label on a bottle, this is the book for you. Read it and you'll learn about the story of beer from pre-history, to the beginning of agriculture, to its early influence on religion.
You'll also learn about beer brewing’s devolution from a female controlled cottage industry to a corporate mega-business, and how it's changing for the better via the micro-brewery/craft brewing revolution. You'll find out how drinking good beer in moderation is good for you, and how drinking beer -- especially locally produced beer -- is good for the environment.
Fermenting Revolution is a fascinating, well written, detailed look at beer, where it came from, and where it's headed.